11 Salary Negotiation Tips That
Will Help You Get The Package You
Salary negotiation is a
tricky game. That’s because your opponent is a smart, shrewd HR manager who
will cajole, coax and sweet talk you into accepting that offer letter. Don’t
let that happen. Turn the table with these salary negotiation tips and walk away
with the hefty package you deserve.
1. Know your worth

Rhonda Byrne’s law of
attraction applies here. If you desire a higher salary, ask and you will get
it. All you have to do is smartly negotiate and prove your worth. Self-doubt
and low confidence will never get you what you want. Therefore, first know what
you want and then demand.
2. Don’t be desperate

Sometimes, most of us get
so desperate for a job, that we say yes to any offer immediately. Don’t make
that mistake because it will only get you less than you deserve. Take your
time, quote your number and wait. Don’t be desperate.
3. If you want a 30% hike, ask for

That’s because people in
HR are a pack of shrewd people who will bring it down to a 27-28%! Therefore,
always, always quote higher. And if they aren’t ready to pay you what you want,
then just do point no. 4.
4. Always show a counteroffer from
another company
The trick here is to tell
the employer that they are not the only option you have. Telling the HR that
their competition is eyeing you as well, will increase your value and lead to you
eventually cracking the deal. Alternatively if you’re still working, tell them
that your current company is ready to give you a raise, better than what these
guys are offering. That should definitely crack the deal.
5. Take your incentives and bonuses into
consideration and then demand higher

Calculate the incentives
and bonuses you got in your previous company, and demand more accordingly. That
will be a huge component to increase your CTC.
6. Don’t get aggressive while
negotiating. Be logical.

Losing your cool here is
not going to help. Nor will that I don’t need you attitude. You've got to be
calm and level headed while speaking to the HR of the desired company. Be logical
and prove to them why you’re demanding what you're demanding. Because honestly,
they're judging you on how logically you’re negotiating with them. Once they understand
your side, there won’t be more cajoling.
7. Find out how much others in the
company are getting paid

This can be done if you
have a strong network. Hang out with friends who have friends in the desired
company. Ask them about the estimated salary packages. That’s how you will
gauge the market value of the employer.
8. Mention all desired components for

If you don’t want to have
a heart attack while checking your payslips, be clear about your salary
components and reimbursements. From medical to communication bills, ask the HR
for the correct salary breakdown.
9. Don’t get carried away

Which would you pick a
low-paying job from a dream company or a well-deserved pay package from a
company that is decent, but not your dream company? Well, if you’re picking the
first deal, then you’re definitely underestimating money.
Remember, growth is
measured by money today, and getting carried away is foolish.
10. Don’t be afraid to walk away

Sometimes, acting like
you don’t need X job also works wonders. Don’t be afraid to turn down the offer
and walk away, because this shows that you’re capable of going somewhere else
and getting what you want. There are other places that will understand your
worth and will make an offer you can’t refuse.
11. Never negotiate after getting the
offer letter

Well, that’s just a
stupid move because all the talks needed to be done before the offer letter was
typed out. If you argue after you get the offer letter, HR is never going to
listen. Moreover, this could also lower your chances of getting a higher appraisal
in the coming year, as you'd have left a bad impression on your company.
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