Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Your Web Builder


Hope you are having a great day.

We have great expertise in providing web design, development, Internet marketing, and various other internet and web solution services.

We are specially offering below mentioned services at glance:
Ø  Responsive Web Designing
Ø  Android & iOS App development
Ø  Social Media Optimization
Ø  Google & Facebook Ads Campaign
Ø  Online Reputation management
Ø  Content writing (Web Page, Article, Blog, Press Release, etc.)
We are looking for a healthy and prolong relationship for longtime so that we can mutually achieve business goals and objective in a meantime.

Note: - If you are interested. Please share your proper requirement so we could send you best proposal accordingly.

Warm Regards, 
Shivani Singh
Business Development Executive

+91- 9868330332; 9310330332

Friday, 22 September 2017

Latest Web Prospects


Hope you are having a great day.

We have great expertise in providing web design, development, SEO Services, Internet marketing, and various other internet and web solution services.

We are specially offering below mentioned services at glance:
Ø  Responsive Web Designing
Ø  Android & iOS App development
Ø  Google & Facebook Ads Campaign
Ø  Online Reputation management
Ø  Content writing (Web Page, Article, Blog, Press Release, etc.)
We are looking for a healthy and prolong relationship for longtime so that we can mutually achieve business goals and objective in a meantime.

Note: - If you are interested. Please share your proper requirement so we could send you best proposal accordingly.

Warm Regards, 
Shivani Singh
Business Development Executive

+91-9310330332; 9868330332

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Re-Design Existing Website


Hope this email finds you well..

I found your details from the internet and thought you might be interested in getting a Old website Re-designed.

Redesigning websites today isn’t just about changing the look and feel With technology changing and different problems needing to be solved, Redesigning and overhauling websites goes much deeper than just the way they look, the functionality, presentation, how they load, and how well they can be updated are all things that are prompting website redesigns on a daily basis. Apart from giving your website a new looks, we will provide you with a Content Management System (CMS) built with WordPress or Joomla or any other technology

We are also specialized in re-designing, Promotion of website , SMO , SEO etc  if you are considering any of the following projects then please reply us On Email & Whastapp

Our Specialization: -

  • Upgrading your current website
  • Moving to a content management solution for your website
  • Re-building your website
  • Looking for a refreshing new look for an existing site
  • Usability
  • Getting legacy content online
  • Planning to integrate rich media content into your site like internet video
  • Adding community and Web 2...0 social features to your website
  • Planning to Promote your website
  • Planing to Increase Website traffic, Etc
Do let me know if you are willing to discuss the possible modifications on your website or Create a Fresh One. Also, kindly share us your requirements and reference website if you have any so that I can send you more details on the packages/action.

Many Thanks,
Email –  info@synergywebdesigners.com
Whatsapp- +919868330332; 9310330332
Business Consultant

  We look forward to hearing from you

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

SEO Proposal with Cheapest price

I hope this mail will find you having a wonderful time. I have a business offer with good profit for you, if you are interested and capable to handle a supply to my company Services.

We are working with a reputed leading Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company in India having the experience of getting our customer’s websites top in Google and producing high revenue with top page rank.

I was recently visiting your website and saw your website is not on first page on Google for most of the relevant and user oriented keywords pertaining to your domain so I was wondering.?

If you would be interested in getting very Affordable Search engine optimization done for your website.

Let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to send you more details on this.

You can give me your Skype ID or WhatsApp number to discuss more…
Please don't hesitate to discuss in-case of any query or issue.

I look forward to your positive response.

Monday, 4 September 2017

SEO Service Providers


Greetings of the day!!

Are you looking for a certified SEO, SMO, ORM, Content writing specialist who is extremely thorough, highly organized, and has experience writing and editing SEO-friendly websites, articles, blogs, and more?


(1) Complete SEO Packages (On Page & Off Page)
(2) SMO (Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter etc).
(3) Google AdWords, Yahoo/Bing Paid Campaigns(PPC).
(4) ORM (Online Reputation management)

Let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to send in more details about our offer and prices etc.

Business Development Executive

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Website Development And Maintenance

Greeting of the day!

 I would like to discuss a business opportunity with you.
We can execute the Web Design & Development Mobile Apps Development projects & SEO Services you.
Our aim is to be giving the best services and such offer a premium at very competitive prices .we have there tier so no compromise quality!
Our expertise to make customization in all CMS & Core technologies development .we provide full Responsive    website for all devices ,iPhone ,Tabb & mobile .
Our primary focuses in:-
Website Design
Mobile site Development
Database programing
E-commerce Solutions
IPhone Apps development
IPhone Asps Development
Blogs Submission
Mobile Apps Development
Supports &Testing
Link Building
Apps Gul design

We provide web\mobile design\development to a number of agencies Establishment and Expertise in:-
Development highly effective corporate Ecommerce \ online stores.
PHP, my SQL , .Net, Word press , Apps , HTML , Android ,OS , Xcode , Xion , OS , JSOP , SHOP testing
Design – Photo shop core Ecommerce, Zen Cart, Virtue mart, PayPal and any check out gateway system.

Do let me know if you are interested and would be happy to our methodologies past working details and prices etc.
Kind &Regards,
Neeraj Sharma
Business Development Manager 
+91-9868330332; 9310330332
info@synerygwebdesigners.com; www.synergywebdesigners.com

Monday, 12 June 2017

SEO, SMO ,PPC & Website design Services


Greetings of the day!!

We represent a company having expertise in online marketing, product, web development, mobile app development, advertising, public relations management, and social media engagement.
We provide end-to-end interactive solutions to help increase your ROI in a cost effective manner.

I was trying to get in touch with you to discuss synergies and possibilities of working together as you may be looking for the services that we cater to:-

2. Mobile App Development Services
3. E-commerce Solutions
4. Web Designing Services
5. Website Re- Designing
6. Software Testing
7. Email Marketing
8. Other Web Services

For More Information, Please revert us with your requirement so that we can send you our work portfolio & quotations, we’ll be very happy to assist you.
Please mail us for Price discussion and you can also share your Phone, Skype id.

+91- 9868330332; 9310330332

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Affordable Website

Hope you are doing well.
We are offering the below mentioned services at modest rate. We have a dedicated team on the below mention services with over 5 years of experience and we thrive on the idea that design makes a difference.
 Our services are:-  
 1. Website development (Custom Website Development, PHP Programming, etc.)
 2. Website Designing (HTML designing, corporate website design, PSD to XHTML/HTML, etc)
 3. Open source customization (CMS (Word press, etc)
 5. Web Programming Services (PHP MySQL Development, PHP Frameworks, JavaScript Frameworks etc)
 6. Mobile Apps Development (iPhone / iPad application, Android, Blackberry, Windows)
All Services are available on Very affordable Price.
Please let us know if you are interested to discuss any of these things share me your Contact/SkypeI will send you more details on the packages/action/Portfolio/past work details.
We can schedule a call for better understanding of your requirement. Please share your availability to connect.
I am waiting for your reply.

Kinds Regards,
Neeraj Sharma
+91- 9868330332; 9310 330332; info@synergywebdesigners.com

Friday, 19 May 2017

सुख की माया में खोए मन को भगवान भी नहीं बचा सकते

एक इंसान घने जंगल में भागा जा रहा था। शाम हो गई थी।
अंधेरे में कुआं दिखाई नहीं दिया और वह उसमें गिर गया।

गिरते-गिरते कुएं पर झुके पेड़ की एक डाल उसके हाथ में आ गई। जब उसने नीचे झांका, तो देखा कि कुएं में चार अजगर मुंह खोले उसे देख रहे हैं | जिस डाल को वह पकड़े हुए था, उसे दो चूहे कुतर रहे थे।
इतने में एक हाथी आया और पेड़ को जोर-जोर से हिलाने लगा।
वह घबरा गया और सोचने लगा कि हे भगवान अब क्या होगा ?
उसी पेड़ पर मधुमक्खियों का छत्ता लगा था।
हाथी के पेड़ को हिलाने से मधुमक्खियां उडऩे लगीं और शहद की बूंदें टपकने लगीं।
एक बूंद उसके होठों पर आ गिरी। उसने प्यास से सूख रही जीभ को होठों पर फेरा, तो शहद की उस बूंद में गजब की मिठास थी। कुछ पल बाद फिर शहद की एक और बूंद उसके मुंह में टपकी। अब वह इतना मगन हो गया कि अपनी मुश्किलों को भूल गया। तभी उस जंगल से  भगवान अपने वाहन से गुजरे। भगवान  ने उसके पास जाकर कहा - मैं तुम्हें बचाना चाहता हूं। मेरा हाथ पकड़ लो।
उस इंसान ने कहा कि एक बूंद शहद और चाट लूं, फिर चलता हूं। एक बूंद, फिर एक बूंद और हर एक बूंद के बाद अगली बूंद का इंतजार। आखिर थक-हारकर भगवान् चले गए।

वह जिस जंगल में जा रहा था,
वह जंगल है 👉दुनिया,

अंधेरा है 👉अज्ञान

पेड़ की डाली है 👉आयु

दिन-रात👉दो चूहे उसे कुतर रहे हैं।
घमंड👉मदमस्त हाथी पेड़ को उखाडऩे में लगा है।
शहद की बूंदें👉सांसारिक सुख हैं, जिनके कारण मनुष्य खतरे को भी अनदेखा कर देता है.....।
सुख की माया में खोए मन को भगवान भी नहीं बचा सकते......।

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

How to Approaching A Girl ?

10 Slap-Proof Ways Of Approaching A Girl
 Reisen Tours

Approaching women is scary. I know this because I know how brutal we can be to guys. But there are some triggers that make us that brutal. Now some of those triggers are what you’ve learned from popular culture but it’s creepy AF. So even if you had a chance, you’ve lost it because of something you said or did. Apple Tree Spay Oil

So if you’re shy or you want to avoid being slapped or insulted and save some grace, here’s what you can do!  Indian Travel

1. Ask a female friend to do your ground-work, trade your wing-man for a wing woman

Women feel safer with women, so the concept of wing-man doesn’t work as well as wing women in India. If a girl approaches us, we know the level of bullshit immediately comes down from 60% to 30%. Which means you have a 30% better chance! 

2. Talk to her about about really random stuff, crack a few jokes but avoid asking or giving personal information Rust Preventive Oils

When you ask us which college, company or where we live, we feel like you might stalk us or might turn out to be an axe murderer. So you might find the girl walking away or getting really awkward So instead, talk to her about current events, make her laugh, compliment her, but not too much and not the sleezy ones. Stick to beautiful or pretty, because if you say hot, that might be the last thing you say to her. Website Design Company in Delhi

3. Offer her a drink only after you’ve spoken to her for a minimum of 10 minutes

The whole notion of sending drinks over to a girl you like, doesn’t work. We’d just turn it back. Why? 1) We feel like we owe you something if we accept a free drink and 2) We will never drink it because it might be spiked. So it’s better if you offer a drink after establishing some sort of connection and clarifying that you aren’t infact a misogynist or a predator. Metal Stamping Drawing Oil

4. Don’t ask her for her number, either ask her for an email id or just look her up on Facebook and send her a request

Never ask her number. That’s the rule. Because remember she isn’t that easy that she’ll give it to you. Leave a few things to chance. Tell her you’ll look her up on Facebook and if she liked talking to you, only then she should accept the request. At least this way, you’re being a gentleman and leaving the ball in her court to decide. Australia tours packages

5. If she’s someone you see everyday, maybe start smiling in her direction every day and eventually go and ask her for a very generic question

With someone you meet everyday, maybe on your way to work, you need to do this gradually. Build a connection over a couple of days, smile in her direction but don’t stare like a creep. The day she smiles back, you can go over to her and introduce yourself. Ask her some really generic questions, like train timings or something and hit the ground running.

6. Don’t ever go with your friends, always go alone!

When you go over with a bunch of guys or even one, we get really uncomfortable. Because then not only your behavior but also your friend’s behavior is taken into consideration. And it’s better when you’re vulnerable, she’s more likely to talk to you.  Clay Grease Exporters

7. Don’t use pick up lines, be yourself!

No shady shit like using crappy pick-up lines, it doesn’t work. So be spontaneous!

8. Find a balance between shy and cocky

Don’t be the guy staring at his shoes instead of her face and don’t be the guy who doesn’t stop talking about himself and stares south from her face. Be confident, but not overconfident. It’s nice to see a guy blushing, it lets us know that we unnerve you just a little bit.  Engine Oil Manufacturers in India

9. Download Tinder and see if they are on it!

If you’re too shy to approach someone because you think she might be committed, simply log onto the dating apps that map location. Almost everyone’s on it, so do a quick check before you introduce yourself.

10. Always be humble and honest

That’s the only way. So put it out there, the universe will be kind in return!

Now get off your ass and go talk to her!

Friday, 31 March 2017

Web Designing, PHP Development Services & Website Development


My name is Neeraj  , Online Marketing Consultant. I would like to discuss a business opportunity with you. We are in Web Design and Development firm based in India, with over 6 years of experience. With Web Designing & Development, Flash Design, Graphic Design, PHP Development, CMS and E-commerce Solution.

We offer following Services with affordable cost than what it might be in house :-

1. PHP Website Development
2. Mobile Application Development
3. Joomla Website Development
4. iPhone Apps Development
5. Word press Website Development
6.Android Apps Development
7. Magento Website Development
8. iPad Apps Development
9. Shopify Website Development
10. Android Tablet Apps
11. Drupal Development
12. Windows Applications Development
13. Face book Apps & Social Media
14. Mobile Website Development
15. ecommerce Solutions
16. IOS Apps Development
17. Payment Gateway Integration Design

I will highly appreciate if you have any requirement for the same or any other requirement
on the above mentioned services provided by us.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kinds Regards,
Online Marketing Consultant
+91-9868330332; 9310330332

Friday, 24 March 2017

Mobile Friendly Website design and Development

We are an India based Website Design & Development company and we offer services at modest rate. We have a dedicated team of 55 professional designers and developers with over 8 years of experience and we thrive on the idea that design makes a difference.
Our services at a glance: -  
1)   Website development (Custom Website Development, PHP Programming, etc.)
2)   Website designing (Logo Design, HTML designing, corporate website design, PSD to XHTML/HTML, etc)
3)   Open source customization/ CMS (Wordpress, Custom PHP, Magento Core PHP Woo Commerce  Zend cack php , ASP.NET, Java  etc)
4)   Ecommerce website development (Woo-commerce)
5)   Web Programming Services (PHP MySQL Development, PHP Frameworks, JavaScript Frameworks etc) 
6)   Seo Services.
7)    Mobile Apps Development (Android and IOS)
Do let me know if you are willing to discuss a possible redesigning/redevelopment of your website or designing new website. I can send you more details on the packages/action/Portfolio/past work details.
I’m waiting for your reply.
Kinds Regards,
Neeraj Sharma
+91- 9868330332; 9310330332

SEO, SMO, PPC & Website Design Services!!!!


I was going through the services which are provided by you but there are a lot of competitors who are ranking top on Google and so couldn’t find you.

I have some amazing ideas to boost your business and your online presence over various search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo globally, nationally as well as locally.

I can assist you by providing Online Marketing Services like:

·  SMM like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, G+  Marketing etc
·  Google Adwords (PPC)
·  Youtube Promotion
·  Content Marketing
·  E-Mail Marketing
·  Online Reputation Management
·  Application Development

You can give a quick turn by taking a try for Online Marketing Services! We believe in providing Quality work.

Kindly share your details so that we can get connected. It would be a gratification working with you.

I am waiting for your response.

Kinds Regards,                                           
Neeraj Sharma
Business Consultant
+91- 9868330332- 9310330332; 